The nurse is caring for a client who is taking bethanechol chloride (Urecholine) for neurogenic bladder. Which of the following does the nurse understand is correct concerning this medication?

  • This is the primary treatment for clients with a urinary obstruction.
  • If the client cannot swallow pills, the medication may be given by the IV or IM route.
  • Urecholine should be given with food to prevent nausea and vomiting.
  • Atropine sulfate should be readily available when a client receives this medication.
Number 4 is correct.
Atropine sulfate is the antidote for Urecholine, which can cause transient complete heart block. Urecholine is contraindicated in clients with urinary obstructions or strictures. It should never be given by IV or IM routes. It should be given on an empty stomach to decrease the risk of nausea and vomiting.