“If someone accidentally ingests poison, try to induce vomiting unless the person is unconscious.”
“If the person vomits, save the vomitus in case it is requested by the Poison Control Center or emergency department.”
“Post the phone number of the Poison Control Center near the phone if you have small children.”
“If the Poison Control Center recommends going to the hospital, drive as fast as you can safely do so.”
“Older adults are at risk of accidentally overdosing on prescription medications due to poor eyesight or memory loss.”
Numbers 2, 3, and 5 are correct.
Rationale: If the person vomits, saving the vomitus may help identify the substance ingested, especially in younger children. Quickly identifying the poisonous substance is key to intervention with an antidote. All homes with small children should post the number of the Poison Control Center near the telephone for quick access in an emergency, or the number should be programed into cell phones. Older adults may forget that they have already taken their medication or not be able to clearly read medication labels, which can lead to accidental overdose. Vomiting should never be induced unless instructed to do so by Poison Control. If the person needs to be transported to the hospital, emergency services should be called for an ambulance. The ambulance can get to the hospital quicker, and EMTs can start an IV and begin supportive treatment immediately. The nurse should never advise a client to drive quickly to the hospital, as this puts the client at risk for an accident.