perform hand hygiene, don the gown, don the mask, don eye protection, apply gloves
don the gown, perform hand hygiene, don the mask, apply gloves, don eye protection
don the mask, don eye protection, perform hand hygiene, don the gown, apply gloves
don eye protection, don the mask, perform hand hygiene, apply gloves, don the gown
perform hand hygiene, apply gloves, don the gown, don the mask, don eye protection
Number 1 is correct.
Hand hygiene is the first step in performing client care. Hand hygiene is done first to minimize contamination risk. The gown is donned and securely tied in the back. The mask is applied to fully cover the nose and mouth, forming a secure seal. Eye goggles or a face shield are donned once the mask is in place. Gloves are applied, making sure they cover the wrist of the gown.