The nurse is teaching infant CPR to a group of newly graduated nurses hired to work in the labor and delivery unit. The nurse understands that proper technique with infants includes which action? Select all that apply.

  • The femoral artery is checked for a pulse following each cycle of CPR.
  • Chest compression depth should be approximately 1.5 inches, or 4 cm.
  • A single rescuer should use three fingers on the dominant hand to do compressions.
  • Rest the infant facedown on the forearm with the hand supporting the head and jaw.
  • If arrest is witnessed the emergency response system should be activated before beginning CPR.
Numbers 2 and 5 are correct.
CPR on infants less than 1 year of age includes a chest compression depth of approximately 1.5 inches, or 4 cm. A witnessed arrest calls for activating the emergency response system before initiating CPR. An automated external defibrillator should be retrieved before starting CPR. The pulse checkpoint on an infant is the brachial artery. A single rescuer should use two fingers for compression, regardless of which hand is dominant. Resting the infant facedown on the forearm is proper positioning for performing the Heimlich maneuver. CPR is performed with the infant lying face up and flat on a firm surface.