The nurse is caring for a client who is having surgery the next morning. The client says, “I’m really scared about surgery. I’ve never been put to sleep before and I’m afraid I might not wake up.” Which response by the nurse is the most therapeutic?

“Why are you worried about such a minor procedure?” “We can call the doctor and cancel the surgery if you would prefer.” “It’s normal to be afraid of something new like surgery. Tell me how you feel.” “Don’t worry, you have a really good doctor and he will see to it that nothing goes wrong.”

The nurse is talking in the lounge with other nurses about grief and loss. The nurse understands which to be true regarding grief and loss? Select all that apply.

The process of grief is detrimental to physical and emotional health. Age, gender, and culture are a few factors that influence the grieving process. The nurse must explore his own feelings about death before he may effectively help others. The nurse should discourage expression of grief and loss because it may upset other clients nearby….

The nurse is caring for a client with end-stage kidney disease and multiple organ failure. Which action by the nurse indicates an understanding of end-of-life care? Select all that apply.

The nurse explains signs and symptoms that indicate death is near. The nurse explains to the client and family what to expect during the final phase of the illness. Cultural beliefs are acknowledged, but priority is placed on life-lengthening treatment options. The nurse avoids talking to the client about impending death to avoid upsetting him…

The nurse is performing discharge teaching to a client newly diagnosed with hypertension and high cholesterol. Which statement by the client indicates that the nurse’s teaching was effective?

“I need to buy canned foods that are low in sodium.” “I can substitute lean sirloin for my homemade fried chicken.” “I will take a can of soup to work for lunch instead of eating a burger.” “Frozen dinners are better for me than eating in the cafeteria at work.”

The nurse is caring for a pregnant client who is Rh negative. A nursing student asks the nurse for more information about the Rh factor. Which is the correct response by the nurse?

“If the mother and father are both Rh-negative, the mother should be given RhoGAM in the 28th week.” “If the mother is Rh-negative and the father is Rh-positive, the client should receive an injection of RhoGAM in the 28th week.” “If the mother is Rh-negative and the father is Rh-positive, the client should receive an…

The nurse is teaching safe client handling techniques to a group of student nurses. Which action by a student nurse would require intervention?

placing the bed at waist level while providing direct client care using a mechanical lift to transfer a weak, obese client to a recliner placing the bed supine and at waist level to move the client up in the bed providing the client with a gait or transfer belt to assist in ambulating to toilet