The nurse is preparing to administer 12.4 mL of liquid medication via oral syringe. Which of the following actions by the nurse indicate an understanding of how to give oral medications via syringe?

The nurse uses either an oral or parenteral syringe to administer the medication. The nurse pours 10 mL of the medication into a 30 mL medicine cup, then adds 2.4 mL with a 3 mL syringe. The nurse pours 10 mL of the medication into a 30 mL medicine cup, then adds 2.4 mL with…

The nurse is caring for a client taking sulfonamides to treat a urinary tract infection. Which of the following should the nurse monitor for in this client? Select all that apply.

fever or sore throat reddish-pink urine side effects such as dyspnea, chest pains, chills, and cough urinary output of 1200 mL daily to minimize the risk of renal damage the need to decrease the dosage if the client takes warfarin sodium (Coumadin) or phenytoin (Dilantin)

The nurse is caring for a client who is taking bethanechol chloride (Urecholine) for neurogenic bladder. Which of the following does the nurse understand is correct concerning this medication?

This is the primary treatment for clients with a urinary obstruction. If the client cannot swallow pills, the medication may be given by the IV or IM route. Urecholine should be given with food to prevent nausea and vomiting. Atropine sulfate should be readily available when a client receives this medication.

A client with hypertension asks the nurse to explain how amlodipine besylate (Norvasc) lowers her blood pressure. The nurse gives which explanation to the client?

“It prevents calcium from entering the smooth muscle, which relaxes the blood vessels to lower heart rate and blood pressure.” “It is a diuretic that works by removing extra sodium and water from the body through the kidneys, which helps lower blood pressure.” “It causes the body to produce less angiotensin, which allows blood vessels…

The nurse is caring for a group of clients in a medical/surgical unit. Which client does the nurse understand to be at highest risk for developing decubitus ulcers?

a 27-year-old client who fractured her arm playing volleyball a 6-year-old client on pelvic skin traction for muscle spasms a 42-year-old obese client with controlled atrial fibrillation who uses a wheelchair a 70-year-old client with heart failure who uses a cane for ambulation in the room and hall