The nurse is preparing to discharge a client with an ileal conduit done for treatment of bladder cancer. Which statement by the client indicates the need for further instruction?

“I look forward to returning to my local health club to swim.” “The local ostomy support group meets on Wednesday morning at 10 a.m.” “My stoma should be cleaned daily with soap and water.” “During the day I will wear a leg bag to collect my urine.”

An elderly man is admitted to the ED during the night shift. He reports slipping and hitting his forehead on the bathtub several hours earlier. The nurse is assessing the client’s frontal lobe function. Which of the following questions/statements should the nurse ask the client?

“Tell me when you feel me touch your arm.” “Tell me when you stop hearing the tuning fork sound.” “Do you have problems with balance?” “How much is two plus four plus seven?”