The nurse is working in a small hospital that still uses paper charting for client assessments. While writing the nurse’s note, the nurse makes an error. Which method does the nurse utilize to make the correction?

use Wite-Out® to cover the error, and proceed after it dries throw away the nurse’s note and start over with a fresh note mark through the error in red ink and place her initials afterward mark a single line through the error in black ink and place her initials afterward

The nurse is providing post-op education to a client who had a splenectomy. Which statement by the client indicates that the nurse’s teaching was successful?

“I can resume yoga classes in two weeks.” “I need to eat a diet low in fiber to rest my digestive tract.” “I will need to be careful when I go to the NFL game next month.” “I need to talk to my doctor about getting influenza, pneumococcal, and meningococcal vaccines.”

The nurse is providing client education on self-administration of insulin. Which action by the client indicates the need for further education?

The client gently rubs the insertion site after removing the needle. The client verifies the type of insulin and checks the expiration date. The client cleans and grasps the skin, inserting the needle at a 90-degree angle. The client cleans the rubber stopper on the bottle with an alcohol swab before drawing a dose.