The nurse is caring for a client with a history of schizophrenia, alcohol abuse, bipolar disorder, and noncompliance with treatment and medications. The client has also been arrested in the past for violent behavior. Which action by the nurse is the most important when caring for a potentially violent client?

treat the client with courtesy and respect always maintain an open pathway to the door be sure the client swallows his pills and does not “cheek” them ask permission from the client before drawing blood or performing other invasive procedures

The nurse enters the client’s room and smells cigarette smoke. When confronted, the client says, “I only smoked one cigarette because I was having a bad craving.” Which action by the nurse is most appropriate?

escort the client outside to smoke call the health care provider to obtain an order for a nicotine patch remind the client that oxygen is in use and smoking is banned in the facility tell the client that if he continues to smoke in the room, he will be discharged from the hospital

A nurse working in ICU has a client on a propofol (Diprivan) drip while on the mechanical ventilator. The nurse needs another bottle, which must be picked up in person in the hospital pharmacy. Which is the correct action by the nurse concerning this medication?

ask the unit secretary to go to the pharmacy and pick it up send the unlicensed assistive personnel (UAP) to pick it up since the nurse is busy ask the client’s health care provider to bring it when he or she rounds on the client ask another nurse to watch the clients while the nurse…