The nurse receives an order from blood cultures and sensitivity for a client. Which statement is correct concerning this test?

Preliminary test results are available 36 hours to allow the organisms time to grow. Growth and identification of the organism often takes 48 to 72 hours to complete. If the client has IV antibiotics infusing, stop the infusion before drawing blood cultures. If catheter sepsis is suspected, culturing the catheter tip is more accurate for…

The nurse is caring for a client with suspected meningitis who will be having a lumbar puncture. Which statement regarding aftercare is correct?

Specimen jars should be labeled and numbered and taken to the laboratory immediately and refrigerated. The nurse should position the client with the head of the bed up 20 degrees so the client can drink fluids to replace CSF removed during the procedure. The nurse should put the client in the low semi-Fowler’s position with…

The nurse is caring for a client with a small-bowel obstruction. A Salem sump nasogastric tube (NGT) is in place. Which finding by the nurse requires corrective action? Select all that apply.

There is a sudden decrease in output. The NGT is set to low continuous suction. The NGT is set to medium intermittent suction. The patient is positioned in the semi-Fowler’s position. The client dislodges the tube and the nurse replaces it, confirming placement by X-ray before use.

A client with hyperkalemia is admitted to the telemetry unit. Which of the following would require notification of the health care provider? Select all that apply.

The telemetry strip shows spiked T waves. The client has a heart rate of 53 beats per minute. The client has a heart rate of 84 beats per minute. The client does not eat the cantaloupe on his meal tray. The client’s urinary output is 30 cc per hour via urinary catheterization.

The nurse is reviewing medication orders for his clients. Which order would necessitate contacting the health care provider?

Paxil (paroxetine) 20 mg PO daily for a 57-year-old client with social anxiety disorder Phenergan (promethazine hydrochloride) 12.5 mg PR q12h prn for a child with Reye’s syndrome Diflucan (fluconazole) 150 mg × 1 dose PO for a 24-year-old client with vaginal candidiasis Lopressor (metoprolol tartrate) 50 mg PO daily for a 48-year-old client with…

The nurse is preparing to administer blood to a client with anemia. Which signs and symptoms of transfusion reaction should the nurse monitor for during the first 30 minutes? Select all that apply.

The client has a respiratory rate of 18 breaths/minute. The client’s blood pressure increases from 104/56 to 164/92. The client has an oxygen saturation level of 97% on 2L of oxygen. The client becomes restless and confused with distended jugular veins. The client complains of low back pain and a sense of impending doom.