The nurse is caring for a client taking vancomycin. The nurse anticipates drawing a peak and trough on this client. Which statement regarding peak and trough levels is correct?

The peak is drawn 1 hour after the infusion, and the trough is drawn right before the next scheduled dose. The peak is drawn 2 hours after the infusion, and the trough is drawn 1 hour before the next scheduled dose. The peak should be drawn immediately after infusion, and the trough is drawn right…

The nurse is observing a student nurse administer a client’s medications via a nasogastric (NG) tube. The nurse understands that the student nurse needs further teach if the student nurse performs which action?

aspirates and checks the residual places client in the semi-Fowler’s position verifies that the medications may be given via NG tube stops the tube feeding before medication administration flushes tubing with 15 – 30 cc of water after administering meds