An RN delegates patient assignments to an LPN and nursing assistant. Later, the RN overhears a nursing assistant arguing with a patient regarding a late breakfast tray. The nursing assistant begins to raise his voice as the disagreement continues. The best action from the RN is to

call the nursing assistant out of the room and speak with him about the incident. apologize to the patient and assign another nursing assistant to that room. report the nursing assistant to the nursing manager for poor patient care. write an incident report and give a copy to the nursing assistant and nurse manager.

After a train accident, the nurse is assigned to triage the injured. Based upon the triage protocol, which individual should be seen last?

66-year-old male with no visible injuries, but who is experiencing tachycardia and seems confused 16-year-old female with fixed, dilated pupils who is unresponsive and has clear fluid draining from right ear 25-year-old female with an abrasion to left eye and a swollen ankle, who is unable to put weight on right leg 80-year-old male with…

A client confides in the nurse that a close friend recently died from pancreatic cancer. The client asks what the risk factors are for pancreatic cancer. The nurse should respond with

“Being a female of Asian descent is linked to an increased risk of pancreatic cancer.” “Drinking two or fewer alcoholic beverages per week is linked to an increased risk of pancreatic cancer.” “Past history of acute pancreatitis before age 20 is linked to an increased risk of pancreatic cancer.” “Cigarette smoking is linked to an…