The nurse is preparing to administer an antihypertensive and an anticoagulant to a client. Which should the nurse do first before administering the medication?

verify the client’s allergies verify the client’s name and room number ask the client to state her name and date of birth scan the client’s wristband and medication barcode verify the client’s name, date of birth, and medical record number with the medication order

The nurse is instructing a student nurse about proper donning and doffing of personal protective equipment (PPE). Which statement by the student nurse indicates an understanding of the order in which to apply PPE?

“When removing PPE, gloves are removed last.” “When removing PPE, the mask is removed before the gown.” “The PPE should be applied just inside the door of the client’s room.” “The gown is put on first, then the gloves, then eye protection, and the mask last.”

A group of nurses are reviewing surgical asepsis. Which statement by one of the nurses requires further teaching on the topic?

“Full-strength chlorhexidine will sterilize the skin.” “The edges of a sterile field are considered unsterile.” “If a sterile object touches an unsterile object, the sterile object is considered contaminated.” “Sterile objects that are out of view or below waist level are considered unsterile.” “Airborne microorganisms can contaminate sterile objects and make them unsterile.”

The nurse is preparing to review transmission-based precautions with other nurses on the unit. Which statement regarding transmission-based precautions would the nurse include in her teaching?

“Measles and adenovirus require airborne precautions.” “Barrier protection requires a private room for the client.” “Droplet precautions are used for clients with meningitis.” “Contact precautions are used for clients with disseminated varicella zoster.”

A nurse in the emergency department is notified that several critically injured clients will be coming in following the collapse of a high-rise apartment building. Which action by the nurse is the priority ?

notify the charge nurse to call in extra staff activate the facility’s emergency response plan check the crash cart supplies and restock extra items determine which current clients can be sent back to the waiting area

The nurse is teaching a family about safety from poisons. The nurse would include which statements in her teaching?

“If someone accidentally ingests poison, try to induce vomiting unless the person is unconscious.” “If the person vomits, save the vomitus in case it is requested by the Poison Control Center or emergency department.” “Post the phone number of the Poison Control Center near the phone if you have small children.” “If the Poison Control…

A home health nurse is visiting a client who is due for a dressing change for a diabetic foot ulcer. While at the client’s home, the nurse notes open cleaning products sitting on the counter next to a plate of chicken. Which is the best response by the nurse?

notify the health care provider about the hazardous conditions found in the client’s home explain to the client that this situation is unsafe, then offer to check her home for other hazards she may not be aware of perform the dressing change without commenting on the chemicals, then notify social services to intervene do not…

The nurse is teaching a group of parents with infants and toddlers about poisoning. Which information would the nurse include in her teaching?

place all chemicals on a high shelf out of reach do not induce vomiting if the child is unconscious call the Poison Control Center before inducing vomiting keep the number of the Poison Control Center near the phone if the child ingests household cleaners or grease, induce vomiting

A nurse is preparing to start an IV on a client. Which action by the nurse increases the risk of infection in this client?

The nurse washes his hands and applies gloves before starting the IV. After placing the IV, the nurse removes his gloves and washes his hands. The nurse prepares strips of tape to secure the IV and sticks them to the tray table. The nurse cleans the area with alcohol or another approved skin cleanser and…